5 Signs You May Have a Pinched Nerve and How Chiropractic Treatment Can Help

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Chiropractic: Nerves housed in your spine and the spinal cord help your brain send messages to your muscles. Compression of any of these nerves can cause pain, numbness, weakness, or tingling. Herniated disks that compress your nerves are a common cause of this. Other risk factors include diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and age-related bone thickening called spurs.


Nerves shoot out from your spinal cord and run throughout the body. They carry motor commands that move your arms, hands, feet, and legs and send sensory messages back to the brain for processing.

If a nerve becomes compressed, you can experience pain and numbness that spreads from where the pinched nerve is located. Numbness and a “pins and needles” sensation usually occur distally (further away from the spine) from where the compression occurs, such as in your neck, arm, or wrist.

Chiropractics are trained to relieve pinched nerve symptoms by easing pressure on the affected areas. It may include Chiropractic adjustments or using a machine called traction/decompression to help you get relief. Your chiropractor may also prescribe physical therapy or massage and advise you on preventing a pinched nerve in the future.


The canal in the middle of your spine’s vertebrae, which are the bones, is where the spinal cord descends. From the spinal cord, nerve roots emerge and travel between the bones. Compression of these nerves can result in discomfort, numbness, and weakness in the affected region.

Muscle spasms or strain, ruptured discs, spondylolisthesis, spinal stenosis, lack of exercise or extended inactivity, and other diseases can all cause nerve compression. Pregnancy, lousy posture, and inappropriate movement patterns are also contributing factors. If you experience symptoms, finding a clinic specializing in pinched nerve treatment near me is best.

Chiropractic adjusts your joints and spine using hands-on procedures to relieve nerve pressure. This decompression can help reduce inflammation and improve the speed at which the nerve heals. It’s essential to see a chiropractor immediately if you are experiencing the signs of a pinched nerve.


The motor nerves in our body help our brain tell our muscles what to do. If you’re constantly feeling weak or tired, it could be a sign that one of these nerves is pinched.

Your spinal cord travels via a canal in the center of the vertebrae that make up your spine. Nerve roots branch off your spinal cord and travel between each vertebrae. Nerve compression is most frequent in the lower back, or lumbar region, but it can occur anywhere along the spine.

A chiropractor can assist by detecting and repairing subluxations that disrupt the neurological system. It restores normal function and can prevent fatigue.


Pinched nerves often have pain radiating out from the compression area. they result in ‘pins-and-needles’ feelings, numbness, weakness, and, in rare cases, bladder and bowel problems (if a nerve in the lower back is pinched).

They may analyze your symptoms by asking you questions and completing a physical exam, and they may occasionally employ imaging tests to establish an accurate diagnosis. Chiropractors are experts in the spine and how its many sections interact.

Getting your pinched nerve treated as soon as you notice the symptoms is crucial. Waiting might make the issue worse and cause irreparable harm. A chiropractor can help you feel better today and avoid further injuries by addressing the risk factors that lead to them.

Loss of Sensation

Sensation loss in the location of a pinched nerve might be a crucial indicator that something is amiss. This can involve symptoms such as discomfort, tingling, numbness, and weakness. The loss of sensation usually occurs distally from the area where the compression occurs.

Risk factors for nerve entrapment include disc herniation (when the soft disc core slips out of the harder outer part), repetitive movements, obesity, stress, arthritis, and pregnancy. Aside from back discomfort, other diseases that might obstruct nerves include spinal stenosis and bone spurs.

Chiropractic specialists who also treat nerve compression can aid with musculoskeletal issues. Spinal adjustments are one method used by chiropractors to realign the spine and relieve strain on the nerves. Additionally, they could advise therapies like physiotherapy, dry needling, and massage.



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