8 activities where ear protectors are necessary


The actual value of hearing all the different noises is something that many people fail to realize until they encounter a situation where their hearing has been degraded or gone missing. Regrettably, the normal functioning of your ear can be overturned if a responsible approach is not followed. Yet, you must take your defensive actions against the unpleasant scenario without hearing anything and finding yourself struggling with even basic conversations.

Do not blindly believe that hearing loss is only another physical condition; hearing loss will continue to be one of the leading causes of disability for both the elderly and younger generations only if we make different efforts to raise public awareness about the importance of hearing. Hearing loss is not something you can reverse. It is very frustrating because you can never listen to a beautiful song or understand someone’s instructions. Also, It will halt all communication with the world you are living in. It will make even music a stranger to you. You will not talk anymore. What’s more? Most individuals with hearing loss tend to isolate themselves because their inability to hear makes them feel inferior. This results in a variety of mental health conditions, such as paranoia, anxiety, and depression.

Of course, it is not possible to completely block all forms of noise from entering your ears because noise is all around you. However, you can protect your ears from prolonged exposure to loud noise because this can severely damage the delicate inner structures of the ear. Some of the steps you can take to protect your hearing are:

  • Make a conscious effort not to listen to loud music on your headphones or earphones. You must always turn down the volume so you can listen to your favorite music without harming your ears.
  • If possible, move away from the source of noise.
  • Use hearing protection devices when you are at home or work. There are various hearing protectors at your disposal, such as IT1 custom made Bluetooth-connected hearing protection, earplugs, and earmuffs.

This article explores the various activities where hearing protection is essential. Take a look at them and never forget to wear ear protection when engaged in such activities or exposed to sound over 85 decibels.

Activities where Hearing Protectors are Necessary

1. Home improvement projects and yard work

The household development project as well as landscaping involves all these machines with loud characteristics such as lawnmowers, power saws, leaf blowers, drilling machines, and others. This tool causes noise levels of more than 90 decibels.

To comprehensibly lower the noise level and save your hearing, you do have to use earmuffs or earplugs when you work with such power tools. To sufficiently reduce the noise levels and protect your hearing, you must wear earmuffs or earplugs when using power tools.

2. Concerts and sports events

The atmosphere of concerts, live events’ sporting areas, and music festivals is exhilarating, to say the least. On the other hand, the overall number of people screaming and the music being played loudly around might be so severe that they could exceed 110 dB. This poses a significant risk to your sense of hearing.

Depending on the expected noise level, it is recommended you use hearing protectors. The popular option is wearing earplugs with an NRR of 15-30 decibels. You can also wear noise-canceling headphones that come with adjustable levels. These hearing protectors offer protection without ruining the fun of the event.

3. Shooting ranges and firearms

The impulsive and loud sounds produced by gunshots exceed 140 decibels and may cause immediate damage to your hearing. Firing even a single round without ear protection may lead to tinnitus and permanent hearing loss.

When visiting shooting ranges or using firearms, double ear protection is recommended. You can wear both earmuffs and earplugs.

4. Working in manufacturing or construction

Manufacturing facilities and construction sites are notoriously loud environments, with tools, the source of noise including industries, machinery, and heavy equipment producing sound with decibels higher than 85.

Those people who are employed in such excessively noisy workplaces are being exposed to the danger of hearing loss and can also experience other auditory problems. Thus, in case you are a worker in this work field, you have to make and use hearing protection devices. Another risk factor is that employers legally need to use administrative controls and make efforts to lower the noise levels to the lowest point possible with the help of engineered processes. Using personal audio devices at extremely high volumes

For those who always opt to listen to podcasts or music through personal audio devices like earbuds or headphones at high volumes, not realizing that it damages their hearing. It is similar to our ears being constantly exposed to the deafening sound of a construction or something so loud as the blaring machinery. It recommends that the volume kept below 60% so that the risks of hearing damage reduced.

5. Employed in the music industry

With musicians, music producers, and sound engineers, it is common by law to listen to a lot of music during rehearsals, recordings, and performances. Working environments, that increase the exposure to sound levels that exceed 85 dB, may lead to tinnitus (ringing in the ears) or hearing damage in these employees.

Consequently, as artists, your ears must be protected through the main and most efficient source, which are the very earplugs designed for musicians. The earplugs must offer various NRR levels and customizable filtering options.

6. Noisy recreational activities

Various recreational activities expose your ears to loud noises exceeding safe limits. These include:

  • Off-roading and motorcycling – The engine roar and wind noise generated while riding a motorcycle or engaging in off-roading activities may sometimes reach above 90 decibels. This requires hearing protection.
  • Fireworks – If you are watching fireworks displays, you may think that they are simply captivating visual displays. But the accompanying explosions can damage your hearing because they can produce noise levels of more than 150 decibels.

7. Noisy restaurants or bars

Do you love eating out or hanging out with friends? If you visit restaurants or pubs too often, it means you are constantly exposing your ears to loud noises. Although it may seem less hazardous, extended exposure to loud music and ambient noise in restaurants or pubs can reach levels that exceed 85 decibels. This might affect your hearing with time.

You recommend wearing ear protection if you enjoy social interactions for extended times. You can even consider using earplugs so that some of the noise might attenuated. This can done without impacting your overall experience or conversations.

Summing up

You must make ear protection a part of your routine when engaging in various activities. Such as working in noisy environments, listening to music, using power tools for renovating your home, etc. No matter the activity, you must prioritize your hearing health and take steps to prevent potential damage.

Remember, hearing loss is permanent. Once your sense of hearing is damage, there’s no way to restore it to its former glory.

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