What causes carbon deposits on car pistons? Symptoms, impact, and fixes in the USA

carbon deposits

Everyone tries to keep the exterior of their cars in good condition. But what separates car lovers from others? It is the fact that they pay extra attention to those parts of the vehicle that are not even visible. Yes, we are talking about the engine bay. These are the carbon deposits if you see black sooty things stuck on your engine. The carbon deposits destroy the clean look of your engine and negatively affect your car’s performance.

So, why do carbon deposits are seen on the engine? A common reason behind this is incomplete fuel combustion.

It usually happens when the piston rings don’t close the combustion chamber properly. If you also see carbon deposits on your engine then don’t worry. Here we will discuss some common causes behind carbon deposits on car pistons.

Causes of Carbon Deposits on Car Pistons

Incomplete Combustion of Fuel

When the fuel in the engine is not burned up thoroughly due to incomplete combustion, carbon deposits are created.

Contaminated or low-quality fuels may contain impurities like water, dirt, and other substances that interfere with combustion. Fuels with low octane ratings may fire off at the wrong time, causing incomplete combustion.

Incomplete combustion occurs because of an air-fuel mixture with too much fuel and insufficient air. This happens if the fuel injectors put out too much gas or insufficient airflow.

However, an air-rich mixture (too much fuel relative to too little) can also lead to incomplete combustion.

Bad Spark Plugs

If spark plugs have worn out or malfunctioned, they may not give off a strong and steady flame that makes for good ignition. It can lead to the incomplete combustion of fuel and the formation of carbon deposits.

Worn-out spark plugs can cause a range of problems in your car, so it’s important that you get them replaced by any reputed car repair in Houston.

Quality of Engine Oil Used

The quality and quantity of engine oil are key factors in a car’s engine running.

Engine oil is a lubricant between moving parts, reducing friction and wear. This is essential for the engine’s smooth running and its parts, particularly the pistons.

Proper lubrication is therefore dependent on using a high-quality, appropriately rated oil. The oil’s viscosity must be such that it is suitable for the working conditions of the engine.

High-quality engine oils retain viscosity and stability at high temperatures and facilitate effective heat dissipation.

Driving Habits Matter

Driving habits are no small factor in the development of carbon deposits on pistons.

Engines run best when they reach their optimum operating temperature. Short trips, in which the engine doesn’t have enough time to get warm, can cause partial combustion and carbon deposits on pistons.

Symptoms of Carbon Deposits on Pistons

Reduced Fuel Efficiency

Carbon deposits on the pistons can affect the combustion process in an engine. In principle, the air and fuel should burn up completely to deliver energy for powering the vehicle.

Nevertheless, when carbon deposits build up on the piston surfaces and cylinder walls, they become insulators. This insulation prevents effective heat transfer, thus giving rise to incomplete combustion.

Carbon deposits on the surface of pistons can prevent them from moving freely within cylinders. The interference thus affects compression ratio and combustion efficiency, reducing the engine’s power.

Therefore, The engine may consume more fuel in compensation for the lost power, and so on, until efficiency is reduced to zero.

Engine Misfires Occur

Carbon deposits can change the shape of the combustion chamber and affect when that process occurs.

This can result in a disparity of ignition timing so that the spark plug will ignite at an incorrect moment.

But when the spark plug fires off-beat with the engine cycle, it could lead to misfires that negatively affect overall performance. Misfires affect an engine’s smooth running, power, and efficiency.

If one or more cylinders are misfiring, the power delivered may be reduced. The engine will take longer to rev up and accelerate less quickly.

Increased Emissions From the Exhaust Pipe

Generally, when there are carbon deposits, the engine control module will compensate for lessened combustion by adjusting the air-fuel mixture.

Such an adjustment may result in a richer mixture and excess fuel relative to the available air. Rich mixtures can produce more carbon monoxide emissions because not all the fuel is burned.

Carbon deposits can make things even worse for the catalytic converter by increasing emissions.

The function of the catalytic converter is to convert harmful pollutants into less toxic chemicals. However, too much-accumulated carbon can swamp the converter’s ability to handle it. The efficiency drops, and there is a greater chance that emissions will exceed legal limits.