The Benefits and Challenges of Implementing an Automated Assembly Line

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By Admin

52% of manufacturing workers are exposed to automated technology. This is more than workers in any other industry.

Because it can do such a great job at increasing efficiency and reducing costs, automation is playing an increasing role in manufacturing and assembly. However, there are drawbacks to implementing automation as well.

In this guide, we’ll discuss the benefits and challenges of implementing an automated assembly line.

What Is an Automated Assembly Line?

Automated assembly is the use of various machinery to assemble and process materials with minimal or no input from human workers. With modern robotics technology, conveyance systems, and other types of technology, automation can improve efficiency when it comes to the assembly of materials.

Many manufacturers are recognizing that automated assembly is a great solution. It can offer increased consistency, improved capacity, and cost savings.


So what are the key benefits of automated assembly? Here are some of the key advantages of automated assembly:

Consistent Quality

An automated assembly offers more consistent quality when compared to human efforts. Manufacturers find that there are fewer variations in the materials that are assembled. Materials aren’t as prone to human error and are more likely to be produced in the same way every time.

Increased Output

An automated assembly process also allows for increased quantity as well. This is true for many types of manufacturing, including control panel building and assembly.

Machine automation can keep working indefinitely and at all hours of the day without experiencing fatigue, unlike human workers. This continuous production means that you can get more materials assembled at a faster pace.

Cost Savings

Human labor costs a lot and there are additional costs you’ll need to account for including training, insurance, product waste, and turnover. Automated assembly systems are more affordable to operate and you won’t need to pay wages to them to get a high output of materials.


There are a lot of great advantages of automated assembly processes. However, there are drawbacks as well:

High Setup Costs

A disadvantage of automated assembly lines is that there are high startup costs associated with them. It may cost thousands or even millions of dollars to set up the robotic machinery that will be needed to fully automate production.

Time-Consuming Setup

Not only will it be expensive to set up automated manufacturing, but it can be time-consuming as well. Automated assembly lines require a good bit of lead time to implement. Months may pass before you’re able to get an automated assembly line up and running.

Difficult to Make Changes

After setting up an automated assembly line, it can be tough to make changes later on. Making either small or large changes can be difficult and you’ll need to account for new costs and downtime as well.

Adding an Automated Assembly Line

While implementing an automated assembly line can be a great choice, there are drawbacks as well. Automation can reduce costs and lead to higher output and consistency. However, it can be costly and time-consuming to set up an automated assembly line in the first place.

In addition to adding automated assembly, there are more ways to improve manufacturing as well. Read through our blog now to find more helpful tips for businesses and manufacturers.