How Tanzohub Boosts Your Business To the Next Level?

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By Admin

Tanzohub is a brand-new, innovative platform that’s revolutionizing how consumers engage with live performances and events. It is elevating live experiences and fostering closer ties between artists and audiences with its cutting-edge technologies.

First Off

Using their cell phones and other devices, consumers may actively engage in live events through it. Tanzohub produces immersive and engaging events, in contrast to conventional live experiences where the audience is inert.

It visually incorporates the audience into the event through the use of cutting-edge real-time video rendering technology. This allows guests to record videos with their smartphones, mapping those feeds onto animated avatars that are then projected onto enormous screens and seamlessly integrated into the live show in real time.

As a result, distant guests may interact with the artists, the event itself, and each other in a shared metaverse-like setting. Tanzohub removes the obstacle separating active engagement from passive viewing.


In 2018 tanzohub was in private beta when a small group of partners evaluated and refined the product.

During the first three months of 2020, the Tanzohub Studio and Tanzohub App were initially released by the corporation. Beginning in the third quarter of 2020, anybody may register for Tanzohub’s self-service platform and begin producing their own interactive live events.

Over 250,000 people have attended events organized by Tanzohub. The business has been working hard to expand both the amount of its clientele and the scope of its platform.

Main attributes and advantages

Among its notable attributes and advantages are the following:

Total Immersion in Action

Attendees are more than just viewers. They turn into engaged participants who are instantly immortalized in the ongoing action. As a result, the audience influences the performance and atmosphere of the event, creating a very immersive and captivating experience.

Social Relations

Through their animated avatars, participants may visibly communicate with one another on Tanzohub. This makes it easier for individuals to connect and create a feeling of community by simulating in-person interactions.

Rewards and Gaming

This uses elements of gaming, such as leaderboards, badges, and points, to encourage user engagement. The event is made more engaging and enjoyable by allowing participants to get prizes and acknowledgment for their participation.

Information and Analysis

The software gathers a wealth of real-time statistics and data on attendance and interaction from attendees. This gives organizers invaluable information that they may use to improve and optimize as a platform and future live shows.

Cross-Platform Usability

You may use Tanzohub on a variety of devices, including big-format monitors and smartphones. This enables broad global attendee access and accommodates a variety of event settings for organizers.

The Scale Audiences

Compared to typical live performances, it allows events to visually connect viewers at a much bigger scale. This amplifies the excitement and commotion of events where thousands of people are taking part at once.

The Tanzohub Network

The Studio and the App are the two main parts of this platform:

Tanzohub Design

The audience integration and live event management are handled by the organizers using this production software. Producers may influence how the crowd interacts with the show by superimposing numerous real-time audience video feeds into different scenes using the Studio.

App Tanzohub

Using this smartphone software, attendees may record their videos, change into avatars, and take part in the live event graphically. For users to connect with the experience, the app offers interactive elements including gestures, emotions, dances, and more.

Utilization Examples

Tanzohub opens up new opportunities for a variety of live performances and events, such as:

Festivals and Concerts

Performers can play before virtual audiences created by computers. Virtual concertgoers from all across the world may engage with artists and fellow enthusiasts through animated avatars.

Talks and Demonstrations

Keynote speakers can deliver their speeches from a distance to sizable visual audiences. Additionally, presenters can get immediate comments and responses.

Theater and Dance

Interactive dance routines may be choreographed by performers. Remote attendance can be incorporated into the visual settings and narratives of theatrical plays.

Exercise and Courses

Trainers may conduct training sessions, workshops, and workouts with remote participants joining them live on stage. Participants can inspire one another and move together.

Events and Weddings

Couples may view in real-time their first dance and other memorable moments with their attending friends and family. Attendees virtually may mingle and rejoice together.

Video games and eSports

Players may see audience responses to significant plays by projecting themselves into eSports stadiums. Supporters may participate and cheer from home just like they would at an event.

There are opportunities in the areas of industry, education, and entertainment. Tanzohub offers live experiences of the future.

Company Information

Digital media pioneers Mark Zviman and Alan Dai created this in 2018. Zviman has launched several profitable internet video enterprises in the past. Dai was a member of the R&D teams that invented volumetric video capture and live holographic technology.

Their goal was to break down the fourth wall and the constraints of conventional live events. Through the integration of real-time 3D graphics, live production, and interactive mobile video, Tanzohub Twitter enables unparalleled levels of audience engagement, involvement, and connection.

The business was originally bootstrapped and secured $7 million in Seed investment in 2019 under the direction of Partech and Gradient Ventures, Google’s AI fund. With offices in Mountain View, California, Tanzohub employs more than fifty people in its business, engineering, and product divisions.

Product Launching

In 2018, it tested and improved the platform with a small number of partners while it was in private beta. Developers and content producers have access to Tanzohub’s SDK, APIs, and technological integrations as of 2019.

In Q1 2020, the firm released the App and Studio in its initial iteration. Tanzohub’s self-service platform went online in Q3 2020, making it possible for anybody to register and begin producing interactive live events.

More than 250,000 remote participants have participated in over 10,000 events that have been organized on Tanzohub worldwide. The business is expanding its client base across sectors and improving its platform at a quick pace.

Client Success

On this, early adopters have already created amazing interactive events, including conferences, comedy shows, dance performances, concerts, and more.

Travis Scott Live on Fortnite

Hip-hop icon Travis Scott gave a concert within the well-liked Fortnite game in April 2020. Scott and his team used Tanzohub Twitter to include real-time fan reaction feeds into the virtual concert, resulting in an incredible interactive event that drew in over 12 million viewers.

Onstage with Einstein

Einstein On Stage produced an interactive comedy event that combines live performances with animated routines to raise awareness of the COVID-19 vaccine. This projected the laughter and cheers of distant spectators, enhancing the intensity and involvement of the performance.

Dance Interactive Proximity

This dancing group has created innovative shows in which viewers in the distance manipulate lighting scenes and visual effects by coordinating gesture commands. 2,000 or more people have joined in tandem to create a brand-new kind of “technologically enhanced dance.”

2022 Cloud Summit

It turned online talks into hybrid events at one tech conference, where more than 5,000 attendees responded as avatars in a virtual audience. Backstage, at the Metaverse lounge, attendees socialized.

Tanzohub’s ability to transform live events has been demonstrated by these and several more works.

Future Schedule

Tanzohub Twitter has big intentions to keep developing its platform and changing live experiences in the future:

  • Improved social capabilities that allow participants to communicate and socialize via their avatars
  • Integrated streaming functionality for interactive broadcasts on YouTube and Twitch
  • Metaverse settings that are shared, allowing participants to interact and explore virtual worlds
  • Using augmented reality, avatars and interactions may be integrated into real-world settings
  • More animation choices, such as lifelike avatars and full-body motion capture
  • Its Marketplace, which allows producers to purchase and sell interactive resources, tools, and content

Through in-person meetings, the organization hopes to open up new avenues for human connection. “Beyond just watching, it is about being part of the action,” stresses Zviman.

Start Your Business with TanzoHub from the Start


With this, getting things started is simple. To use it for your company, just do these easy steps:

Go for a free consultation. Go straight to and choose “Start Free Preliminary.” Some basic information, such as your name, email address, and company details, must be entered. Take advantage of a 14-day free trial of TanzoHub without a visa.

Add your team.

As soon as you sign up, invite your coworkers to do the same. it provides capacity for all plans and an infinite number of clients. Add as necessary to collaborate on projects.

Attempt your most memorable project.

To start, click “New Venture.” Give your project a name and include nuances such as a description, schedule, and collaborators. Make use of the discussion board to have conversations with your group and the task rundown to outline specific advancements.

Select a configuration

Once your preliminary is complete, choose the configuration that best meets your needs. Options span from basic to enterprise level. All options include unlimited customers, projects, inventory, and round-the-clock customer support.

Sync with the instruments you have.

Connect TanzoHub to other tools you use, including Dropbox, Google Drive, and Slack, and the possibilities are endless. It integrates with many well-known workplace apps, allowing you to easily modify files, chats, tasks, assignments, and projects across phases.

Seek assistance anytime

TanzoHub’s customer support team is available around the clock, seven days a week, in case you run into trouble or have any inquiries. You may get in touch with them via phone, email, or in person. They are usually accessible to help you get the most out of Twitter TanzoHub.

With only a few simple steps, it will be yours. The executive’s stage task makes it easy to organize your work, collaborate with your team, and maintain complete consensus. Visit TanzoHub right now!


Tanzohub is at the forefront of turning passive spectatorship into an engaged engagement. It offers immersive, interactive experiences of the future by enabling audiences to participate at scale and visually immerse them in live events.

Because it fosters better community, communication, and entertainment, this new platform is being embrace by both event organizers and attendees. Tanzohub’s potential to transform live events is boundless as it develops its platform and keeps upping its technological innovations.


Tanzohub: What is it?

Tanzohub is an interactive live event platform that uses animated avatars displayed on displays in real time to visually connect audiences who are remotely into performances. Instead of merely watching passively, this enables spectators to actively interact.

How is Tanzohub operate?

Participants record videos using the Tanzohub app, which instantly turns them into animated avatars. The Tanzohub Studio software is use by the organizers to manage interaction and blend crowd feeds into the live production.

What actions may you take on Tanzohub as a participant?

In addition to earning points and interacting with the performance and other participants, attendees can clap, dance, emote, talk, and more. It involves viewers in the event.

Which kinds of events may use Tanzohub?

With Tanzohub, live events and performances of all types, including conferences, esports, theater, dance, comedy, and concerts, may become interactive.

What distinguishes Tanzohub from online platforms for events?

Tanzohub is made especially for combining live, in-person shows with real-time remote audience involvement to provide a hybrid and improved experience.