3 Possible Options for a Missing Front Tooth

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Missing front tooth: In a moment, you can go from a confident smile to having a major self-esteem issue. While this may not seem like a huge deal, a missing tooth can have a large psychological impact.

You may think you’re done with your oral health because of a missing front tooth, but it is not. Take a moment to learn about some possibilities to keep your smile intact.

Read on!

1. Dental Implant

A dental implant is a permanent solution to replace a missing tooth as it is surgically embed directly into the jawbone. The implants made from metals like titanium and sometimes ceramic, and bond to the bone forming a strong yet comfortable connection.

Once placed and cured, the implant acts like a natural tooth root and provides a reliable base for a custom-fabricated dental crown. Dental implants are the only option in dentistry that can replace a missing tooth and restore your natural chewing power, aesthetics, and appearance.

With a proper oral hygiene regimen, these implants can last for decades and give you a beautiful, complete, and natural-looking smile.

2. Fixed Dental Bridge

A fixed dental bridge is a popular option for replacing a front tooth. This fixed dental bridge requires two healthy teeth on either side of the missing tooth as anchors to secure the bridge. If there are not two healthy teeth, a dental implant is necessary in order to secure the bridge.

This bridge will be connected with dental crowns which are fixed in place and anchored with a false tooth in the middle. The entire process takes a few sittings, and the necessary treatments involved will depend on individual cases.

A bridge usually takes around 8-10 weeks to complete, after which you can expect a result that looks and feels natural. It is important to follow the advice of your dentist throughout the entire process in order to achieve the best result.

3. Removable Partial Denture

A removable partial denture is a great choice, as it functions as both a functional and aesthetic solution. The denture is create base on a mold of your mouth and customized for a secure fit.

It consists of a base made of a pink acrylic material that resembles gum tissue. This denture also has a metal framework for support, as well as a tooth attached to it.

Removable partial dentures are relatively inexpensive and removed for easy cleaning and maintenance. Additionally, they are comfortable and easy to wear. Making them a great option for those looking to fill in the gap where their tooth lost.

Discover Possible Options for a Missing Front Tooth

Replacing a missing front tooth can be accomplishe in a variety of ways. All options should be discuss with your dental professional in order to determine. The best solution for you and your specific situation.

Make an appointment today to discuss the different possible options. And the potential benefits and risks associated with each of them.

For more articles aside from dealing with missing teeth, visit our blog.


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