Breaking Down the Myths: The Reality of Dental School Difficulty

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By Abubaker Rafiq

Did you know that the DAT exam to get into dental school takes about 4 hours to complete? This exam is said to be the hardest and most condensed dental exam. However, once you’re in the program, some students say that’s when the hardships begin.

If you’re interested in becoming a dentist, then you’ll want to continue reading. We’ll answer the important question: “Is dental school hard?”

Is Dental School Hard?

This straightforward question has some layers, and they must be discussed thoroughly. For starters, a dental degree can take eight years, depending on your specialty.

This aspect alone may make it hard for one to complete the program. Even more so, if they have other obligations, such as a family. Secondly, to become a dentist, you must have a bachelor’s degree.

Sometimes dental schools look at your field of study for your undergraduate degree. Unfortunately, if you don’t get a corresponding undergraduate degree, you may not get into the program.

Therefore, you’ll want to choose a major that prepares you for dental school. For example, chemistry, biology, or any science degree are all acceptable majors.

Is the DAT Exam Hard?

Dental careers require a lot of knowledge and dexterity. Therefore, dental schools want to ensure their students are the best of the best.

For that reason, the DAT exam is categorized as being “hard”. However, the level of difficulty depends on your innate ability to absorb information and your studying methods.

On average, students score a 19 out of 30. These scores are enough to get you into some dentistry schools. For more details on the structure of the DAT exam, checkout this blog on DAT scoring!

Should I Try Dental School If I’m Bad at STEM?

Most dental careers don’t require you to be great in all the fields of STEM. However, you’ll need to have a common understanding of the following topics:

  • General Chemistry
  • Reading Comprehension Skills
  • Quantitative Reasoning Skills
  • General Biology
  • Organic Chemistry

All of these topics are on the DAT exam and in other dental school exams. So, if you’ve never been able to understand these topics, dentistry school may be harder for you. However, with good studying habits and great professors, your outcomes may change.

Other Requirements to Get Into Dentistry School

As stated previously, you must have a bachelor’s degree in a respective major. After graduating, you can begin practising for the DAT exam. This exam tests your skills and written knowledge about all things about dentistry.

The DAT is not to be confused with standard dental school exams. DAT is only the beginning of your journey to your dental profession. If your scores are acceptable, then your prospective school may admit you.

However, some schools may look at your GPA, life accomplishments, and other factors. Ensure all components of your academic career are up to standard.

Dentistry School Made Easy

Now that we’ve answered the question, “Is dental school hard? you may be interested in applying. Before you do so, make sure you’ve given yourself ample time and resources.

Dentistry can be hard, but with the right preparation, you will succeed! If you like this article, make sure to check out our other informative blogs.